Passing Parameters from BSD to Linux and Back

Frank Jahnke jahnke at
Thu Jul 6 22:49:28 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-07-06 at 16:43 -0400, Lowell Gilbert wrote:

> > I am able to get the appropriate program to open, but the parameters are
> > never passed. I have tried many, many schemes to quote or escape the
> > command and its options, but never have any of these worked.
> >
> > Any suggestions on how I might do this would be most appreciated!
> Hmm.  Works for me.  A web link in a PDF in Acroread (7) brings up the
> linked page in my (native) firefox.  I had to configure the executable
> name (without path) into the "browser link" preference in acroread,
> and I think the .mailcap entry ("text/html; firefox %s") is needed as
> well. 

Hmmm indeed!

Acroread now works for me as well.  This did not used to be the case; I
updated Acroread about a week ago and had not tried this again.  (What
does .mailcap do?  I surmise from the name that it is like termcap for
mail entries...).  Maybe it is that upgrade?  Or a change in how the
desktop environment interacts with "aware" programs?

I am still unable to open the help browser from within VMware; the file
config simply reads: "webBrowser = linux-opera %s" (without the quotes).
linux-opera is found, but the string %s is not passed at all.  Invoking
linux-opera with a command-line flag works as expected.  I think it uses
a Motif set for its interface.

I think I have source for VMware; let me look at the calling sequence.


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