sshd/mysql errors.

Marwan Sultan dead_line at
Tue Jul 4 10:40:27 UTC 2006

Hello gurus,

my logs full of hundreds of these lines..i starts since few days and up to 
day ..

Jul  2 00:00:03 server mysqld[28598]: warning: /etc/hosts.allow, line 25: 
can't verify hostname: getaddrinfo(host73.hostname_net, AF_INET) failed

Jul  2 00:00:27 server sshd[83738]: warning: /etc/hosts.allow, line 25: 
can't verify hostname: getaddrinfo(host73.hostname_net, AF_INET) failed
Where hostname_net is the former ISP name for the my server hosting ISP.
but i have the same DNS and routings, the name is changed since almost 1 
year and few months.

Also line 25 had nothing to do with this hostname its just the first active 
line in my hosts.allow file
anyhow i have replaced the line to:
ALL : .hostname_net : allow

But still same errors everyday every minute! anyadvise please?

Its FreeBSD 4.8R

thank you

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