Unable to install FreeBSD 6.1... Question

Kevin Cortez kvncortez at gmail.com
Mon Jul 3 22:55:29 UTC 2006


I have a Compaq Precario desktop with an amd 64bit athalon, and an SATA
200gb drive (No Raid Support). When i first tried to install FreeBSD the
installation froze which I was able to fix by disabling APCI. Then I hit a
problem agian. The installer freezes after the line "rr232x no controller
detected" which i figured was a raid controller.. I disabled SATA in the
bios to see if the installer would load, and it did, but without SATA
support i dont have any harddrives to write to... I would really like to be
able to install FreeBSD 6.1 and hope you guys can help.


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