Enermax USB enclosure

fbsd fbsd at a1poweruser.com
Mon Jul 3 22:19:57 UTC 2006

Try putting it on a windows box and try to run fdisk on it.
If fdisk don't work throw it away as no good.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-freebsd-questions at freebsd.org
[mailto:owner-freebsd-questions at freebsd.org]On Behalf Of mal content
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 4:22 PM
To: freebsd-questions at freebsd.org
Subject: Re: Enermax USB enclosure

> I've noticed that even Mac OS X seems to get the disk sizes wrong
> this disk, it thinks that it's a 2TB (!) drive when it's actually

I've just tried a couple of other disks and I'm beginning to suspect
the culprit is actually this crappy Maxtor disk. I've managed to
an old Seagate drive without problems.

Jul  3 21:18:25 logik kernel: umass0: Macpower &Tytech Tech USB2.0
Enclosure, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 2
Jul  3 21:18:26 logik kernel: da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
Jul  3 21:18:26 logik kernel: da0: <QUANTUM 04619053 0D00> Fixed
Direct Access SCSI-2 device
Jul  3 21:18:26 logik kernel: da0: 1.000MB/s transfers
Jul  3 21:18:26 logik kernel: da0: 6149MB (12594960 512 byte
255H 63S/T 784C)

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