screen blanking and kde

Micah micahjon at
Mon Jul 3 22:02:27 UTC 2006

dick hoogendijk wrote:
> The machine I use fvwm on blanks the screen after a period of time (the
> default from Xorg). However, a machine running KDE does not(!), even
> without the screensaver enabled (in kde). Disabling the saver results
> in a screen never go blank. So, I guess, kde interfeares with xorg
> somewhere (disabling the blanktime feature from xorg).
> Does anybody know where this is done (by kde) and if this can be
> changed? Sure, I can use kde's screensaver (orxscreensaver), but I only
> want the screen go blank and xorg can do that just the same)

 From settings->peripherals->display select the "power control" tab and 
you should be able to set "blanking" time there.


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