shell scripting: help appreciated

Parv parv at
Mon Jul 3 17:49:51 UTC 2006

in message <006701c69e7a$7898db00$01010101 at avalon.lan>,
wrote no at thusly...
> /bin/sh stops working correctly with a content-controlled do-loop.
> the shell-script layout is as follows:
> (it's not that trivial, just to show the meaning)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> /test/foo.conf (originally ~60 lines):
> test1         testval1                optional_testval1
> test2         testval2                optional_testval2
> /test/ (this is the original loop code):
> cat "$g_dir_etc/compile.lst"|\
( some pipeline )
> while read gh_name gh_src gh_srcdir
> do
>       <set some vars here>
>       /bin/sh -c $h_val1 $h_val2 $h_opt1;
>       <do some stuff here>
> done;
> /test/
> <we do very much stuff in here, like compiling programs etc...>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> if i change the line
>       /bin/sh -c $h_val1 $h_val2 $h_opt1;
> to
>       echo /bin/sh -c $h_val1 $h_val2 $h_opt1;
> the program loops for all records in the foo.conf correctly.
> if i remove the "echo" keyword, the sub-script get's executed,
> but the shell terminates as if there were lesser records in
> the foo.conf file!
> i scripted as many debug messages as possible, for every loop
> they get executed and there are no errors/etc... happening.
> and interestingly, the execution stops always on the same record!
> if i comment out some records of my foo.conf, the sub-shell gets
> executed for more records.

So, what is it exactly in the records (and/or values given to where the execution stops?

  - Parv


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