Root crontab for backup

Kevin Kinsey kdk at
Sat Jul 1 16:44:11 UTC 2006

Kostas Blekos wrote:
>  Is it a bad idea to use root's crontab for backup scripts?
> Is it better to put those scripts in periodic/... ? 

I can't think of any particular reason why it's bad; it's
the way I've always done it.  Mistakes I've made *might* have
been mitigated somewhat by placing them there; for example:

#min hr day mon wday command

15   03  *   *   *  /sbin/dump -L -0 -a -f - /usr | (cd /3;
/sbin/restore -ruvf - )

with "-v" and without a "> /dev/null 2>&1" was a big problem
(took a good while to dl root's email that day) :-D

The major advantage of periodic would be the built-in logging
functionality, should you choose to use it; cron's
advantage would be in flexibility (in regard to both
time assignment and script requirements).

My $.02,

Kevin Kinsey

The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says
it can't be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it.
		-- E. Hubbard

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