N.J. Thomas njt at ayvali.org
Thu Jan 19 11:46:25 PST 2006

* Aguiar Magalhaes <magalhj at yahoo.com.br> [2006-01-19 16:35:25 -0300]:
> When I type "ntpdate ntp.nasa.gov" (or another server) the answer is
> "no server suitable for synchronization found"...

Works fine over here. Can you connect to the NTP port on that server?
Try this:

    nc -u -v ntp.nasa.gov 123

and see if you get a connection succeeded message.

Also, have you thought about using pool.ntp.org instead?


N.J. Thomas
njt at ayvali.org
Etiamsi occiderit me, in ipso sperabo

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