changing Sendmail server's IP address, nightmare!

Curtis Hart chart333 at
Sat Feb 25 19:35:56 PST 2006

  Does anyone have any specific information on making IP address changes to Sendmail servers since I have found that this situation is a lot more difficult/tedious than I had thought.  The Sendmail server in question is also providing DNS for a web server, but I would like to use our new ISP's DNS info for our web domains and for the mail server.  In a nutshell, I recently started working for a small business that has a mail server and web server, this occurred just after they had already begun switching to a new ISP (Mpower).  I thought I knew enough UNIX/sys admin info to make this happen but this has turned into a minor nightmare for me, since Sendmail has so many files that may contain the old IP info.  

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