undeliverable mail

Bill Vermillion bv at wjv.com
Tue Dec 19 20:11:36 PST 2006

It's Wed, Dec 20, 2006 at 09:26 . I'm in a small dim room with
doors labeled "Dungeon" and "Forbidden". There is noise, the door
marked Dungeon flies open and Beastie MRA SHOUTS:

> Dear All.
> For past few days, my MX receive thousand of undeliverable message
> destinated for my non existent user at my domain.
> This message source come from valid and well configured (almost) smtp
> server on internet.
> I'ts waste my internet b/w, cause my MX will reject with non existent
> user message.
> I'll try spamd on my firewall and greylist on my MX (postfix), but still
> no effective, and i cannot block undeliverable
> message as RFC rules
> Is there any way i can fix this ?
> Please help

I use the virtusertable in sendmail, and I have my valid addresses,
such as   bv at wjv.com  bv  and then for after that is
a line of   @wjv.com 	nouser.

And nouser is defined in aliases as   nouser:	/dev/null

On one of the mail servers I maintain I just checked and I
had 260,000+ messages routed to "*file*" in the maillog - which
shows up as  mailer=*file*  in the logs.   That maillog rotates
every night at midnight.

Is not really a freebsd-net problem so I removed that from the
reply to line.


Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com

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