rm -f doesn't delete symlink

Garrett Cooper youshi10 at u.washington.edu
Mon Dec 18 00:38:01 PST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Jeppe Bundsgaard wrote:
> At 00:06 18-12-2006, you wrote:
>> Jeppe Bundsgaard wrote:
>>> At 22:01 17-12-2006, you wrote:
>>>> Jeppe Bundsgaard wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I am trying to upgrade to FreeBSD 6.1. But when I run installworld
>>>>> it halts when trying to create a symlink: /sys. Just before the
>>>>> error the script tries to delete the old symlink with: rm -f /sys.
>>>>> But this doesn't delete the symlink.
>>>>> No flags are set on /sys.
>>>>> Anybody got any idea what is wrong?
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> Jeppe
>>>> Jeppe,
>>>>    Try without the -f and see what the error is. -f (in my book at
>>>> least) usually evaluates to (yes, quiet) in regular files / symlinks
>>>> at least.
>>>> -Garrett
>>>> _
>>> Garrett, thanks for your answer.
>>> -f Attempt to remove the files without prompting for confirmation,
>>> regardless of the file's permissions (cf. man rm)
>>> even rm -v says nothing. But /sys still exist...
>>> Jeppe
>> Tried unlink(1)? Shouldn't really have to use it at all, but it could
>> solve your problem faster..
>> -Garrett
> Yes, and even if it helped it wouldn't solve the problem that
> installworld uses rm -f /sys
> Jeppe

Well, try it anyhow though, and then try recreating the symlink after
the fact, just to see if installworld goes through properly.

Also, just out of curiousity (before you unlink the symlink)--what
version of FreeBSD are you upgrading from and what are the current
permissions / ownership for /sys?

My /sys:

[gcooper at sprsd ~]$ ls -l / | grep sys
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     wheel    11 Dec 17 22:47 sys -> usr/src/sys

- -Garrett
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