IPMI on SuperMicro PDSMi+ Motherboard

Philipp Wuensche cryx-freebsd at h3q.com
Sat Dec 2 05:57:22 PST 2006


I lately aquired an SuperMicro PDSMi+ motherboard and the IPMI
AOC-IPMI20-E daughterboard. I can report that the ipmi driver in 6.2 is
working just fine and I can use ipmitool to access the module from the
hostsystem. The only problem is that the IPMI module loses its network
connection and is not reachable via IP some times, this espacially
happens after a SOL session.

If the server is up I can issue a cold reset for the module and I can
reach it again, I'm not sure if this has anything todo with freebsd and
problems with the em driver or if it is just the firmware of the module
but if anyone has experience with this stuff maybe he can give me a hint
what could causing this problems at all.

Currently it is configured with a different MAC and a different IP than
the host system, haven't tried same MAC and IP yet. Shouldn't make a
difference, should it?


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