Cheap terminals for FreeBSD

Sergio Lenzi lenzi at
Wed Aug 9 03:33:22 UTC 2006

Em Ter, 2006-08-08 às 21:20 +0200, Nagy László Zsolt escreveu:

>   Hello Sergio,
> You are the guy that I was waiting for. :-) Now I know for sure that it 
> will work.

I am glad I could help you.... 
have you seen the desktop image????

> I only have one question. How do you setup the sound card? The programs 
> are running on the server, right? Then how can use use the sound card?
> Is it that 'noisy' programs are running from the diskless machines? Or 
> do you use TCP/IP based sound servers?
> Thanks,

I use the esound esd running on the thin client... I set up the sound on
the gnome sound
pointing to ESD ... it uses the $DISPLAY env and works....
the freeBSD kernel on the thin client loads the sound module based on a
per thin-client using kldload... there is a configuration saved in the
server for each
thin client... and the /usr filesystem is shared... 

I use BSD on the SUN 4 with diskless boot... back in the years 198X

so was quite easy to "remember" how things were done at that time...
if it works on a "286" speed machine... why will not on an AMD 64???    

I am 54  and work with UNIX since the 197X....  on VAX...   

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