/var/crash handling

Anthony Agelastos iqgrande at gmail.com
Sun Aug 6 19:09:44 UTC 2006

In doing some poking around on my server, I noticed that I am using  
926 MB in my /var folder (the partition is at 75% capacity). So, I  
dug a little deeper and a huge majority of this is in the /var/crash  
folder; I have two vmcore files (vmcore.0 and vmcore.1) that are each  
~402MB and were created back in February. Are these safe for  
deletion? Are these files, essentially, a coredump of what was  in  
virtual memory when there was a kernel crash? There are some other  
files in here as well (bounds, info.0, info.1, minfree); are these  
safe to delete? If there is some good documentation on this, could  
you please point me in the right direction. I found some items on  
ONLamp that gave me some droplets of information. Thank you for your  
assistance with this.


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