Websieve / Apache2

Martin Schweizer lists_freebsd at bluewin.ch
Wed Apr 12 13:03:10 UTC 2006


I use the following: cyrus 2.3.1, sendmail 8.13.3, apache22, squirrelmail 1.4.6 and websieve 0.63a (from ports).
Cyrus, Sendmail, Suirrelmal and Apache  works great but not websieve. If I want to install from ports make like to 
install apache 1.. but  have installed apache22. Why? If I copy all .pl files to .../cgi-bin by hand and follow the readme from 
websieve I cannot login to websieve. I also see nothing in log files only in httpd-error.log:

[Wed Apr 12 14:43:10 2006] [error] [client] [Wed Apr 12 14:43:10 2006] websieve.pl: Name "main::serverdisplay" 
used only once: possible typo at /usr/local/www/apache22/cgi-bin/websieve.pl line 622., referer: 

I know if I browse to http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/ports.cgi?query=websieve&stype=all websieve require  apache-1.3.34_4 but 
does websieve not run with apache > 1.3?



Martin Schweizer
<info at pc-service.ch>

PC-Service M. Schweizer GmbH; Bannholzstrasse 6; CH-8608 Bubikon
Tel. +41 55 243 30 00; Fax: +41 55 243 33 22; http://www.pc-service.ch;
public key : http://www.pc-service.ch/pgp/public_key.asc; 
fingerprint: EC21 CA4D 5C78 BC2D 73B7  10F9 C1AE 1691 D30F D239;

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