Diskless Boot Problem

Erik Norgaard norgaard at locolomo.org
Wed Sep 21 06:52:33 PDT 2005

kevin stovall wrote:
> # showmount
> Hosts on localhost:

It's ok if you read the manpage to see what interesting options there 
are to get some more info. If you want help, then you also need to 
provide the interesting stuff. Using -e you can see what mounts are 
actually exported, fx. I have:

# showmount -e
Exports list on localhost:

I pointed you to a guide I wrote - although I haven't finished it 
because I haven't got to the true diskless system yet - most of the 
advice I have given here is actually explained.

Cheers, Erik
Ph: +34.666334818                                  web: www.locolomo.org
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