Downgrading from amd64 to i386

Kevin Kinsey kdk at
Sat Sep 17 14:19:18 PDT 2005

Andrew P. wrote:

>I use FreeBSD/amd64 6.0 as the only OS on my desktop
>PC. Having carefully thought over pros and cons, I decided
>to downgrade to i386 for the time being.
>My plan is to
>1. cvsup
>2. Deinstall all ports
>3. Somehow build/install new world and kernel
>4. Reinstall all ports
>I know that the i386--amd64 path is still not that smooth
>and going backwards is not gonna make it smoother, but
>can you please give some helpful tips?

Sure - add

0.  backup all partitions/data

to your list.



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