port builds: selective compiler options for each port?

O. Hartmann ohartman at mail.uni-mainz.de
Wed Sep 14 09:40:49 PDT 2005


I run into trouble on building some ports in FreeBSD 6.0. Those troubles 
are not the same on each portbuild, sometimes it is a compiler option, 
sometimes it is an option for the relocation of data directories and so on.

For instance I tried building Open Office 1.1.5 without JAVA support. On 
my lab's box I use CPUTYPE=prescott and everything runs well and smoth 
but not OO due the fact it gets compiled via an older GCC and this 
compiler also gathers its options from /etc/make.conf as the system 
compiler does.

For a simple and single portbuild changing /etc/make.conf or applying 
the appropriate make options seems not to be a high cost effort, but 
doing so via an automated portupgrade let me run into some trouble! The 
most 'popular' ports for those troubles are OO and MySQL. Since one of 
the prior port changes to MySQL, the variable for the database directory 
vanished and got hardwired to /var/db/database but on our server 
infrastructure we use another path for the databases. But MySQL is 
another type of weirdness and senseless changes.

My question is: Is there a way to obtain each port's buildprocess its 
own environment? It seems that there is no standard and consistent 
concept of how flags should be named (WITH_OPTIMIZED_CFLAGS=yes on the 
other hand, BUILD_OPTIMIZED=yes on the other).

Thank you,

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