Automount USB disk in FreeBSD with KDE

Toomas Aas toomas.aas at
Mon Sep 5 08:54:34 PDT 2005

Yuan Jue wrote:

> As a frequently usb disk user, I really want to make things easier and more 
> comfortable for me to mount the usb disk whenever I need to use it. 

There is an article on this:

Maybe you'll get it to work. I tried it myself once a couple of years 
ago and I just couldn't get it to work reliably. I admin several FreeBSD 
servers and all kinds of stuff you might expect to run on it: mail 
services, web services, ftp, database etc, and I don't think I'm 
particularily stupid when it comes to installing/configuring open source 
software. However, I just couldn't grasp the concepts behind this 
automounting stuff. Finally, when I quit trying to understand it and 
just blindly followed the article to the letter, I got it working 
somehow, but there were still issues (the details of which I've 
forgotten by now).

Hope you have better luck.

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