Duplicate `automake' & `autoconf' files

Erik Trulsson ertr1013 at student.uu.se
Sun Nov 20 00:14:21 GMT 2005

On Sat, Nov 19, 2005 at 06:53:43PM -0500, Gerard Seibert wrote:
> This is probably a dumb question, but I never let that bother me before. I 
> have multiple copies of both:
> automake: 2.13.000227_5; 2.53_3; 2.59_2
> autoconf: 1.4.6_2; 1.5_2,1; 1.96
> Is it really necessary to have the older versions installed, or can I just 
> remove them? Actually, I did remove an older version of autoconf once, but 
> it just got reinstalled again.

Some ports require one version of autoconf/automake to build, while other
ports require another version.  This means that if you build many different
ports, you will most likely end up with all of the above versions installed.

You can safely delete all of them - they are only needed for building some
prts, not for running them - but as you have already noticed they will
probably just get reinstalled fairly soon if you build some new ports.

<Insert your favourite quote here.>
Erik Trulsson
ertr1013 at student.uu.se

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