File Server Questions

Sean Murphy smurphy at
Wed Nov 16 17:04:59 GMT 2005

I want to set up a FreeBSD file server and want to choose the 
appropriate method.  The filesytems must be mounted on the client, 
always available, and transparent to the user.



NFS for *nix to *nix only
NIS for better management of NFS

Can OSX mount and respond to NFS/NIS?
What other OSs can use this?
Are user names and passwords encrypted?


Netatalk for FreeBSD to Appletalk Macs OS9 and X Only

What other OSs can use this?
Are user names and passwords encrypted?


Samba for any *nix running samba, OS X, Windows Machines

Are user names and passwords encrypted?
What other OSs can use this?


Any thing for connecting to a Novell Server?
NDS and Bindrey


Am I missing any?

Sean Murphy
Senior Network Technician
California Institute of the Arts
smurphy at

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