FreeBSD 6 on Centrino laptop : how to prolong battery life with cpufreq (like est and estctrl did)

Miles Keaton mileskeaton at
Sun Nov 13 15:19:31 GMT 2005

On 11/13/05, Luk van den Borne <luktheluckyboy at> wrote:
> You should load cpufreq in your /boot/loader.conf. cpufreq is the
> backend that FreeBSD uses for (dynamic) CPU scaling.
> cpufreq_load="YES"
> rc.conf:
> powerd_enable="YES"
> powerd_flags="-a adaptive -b adaptive -n adaptive"

Thanks guys.  I appreciate it.
My CPU is running cooler now, and the fan isn't turning on every 2 minutes.
Peace and quiet again...

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