How to sort find results

Jeffrey Ellis jellis at
Mon Nov 7 19:43:25 GMT 2005

Hi, David--

Thank you. 

Wow. That looks great...

Um... Can you tell me how to run it?

All My Best,

on 11/7/05 11:32 AM, David Fleck at david.fleck at wrote:

> On Mon, 7 Nov 2005, Jeffrey Ellis wrote:
>> Well, at least I know it can do it now. The problem -- as usual for a newbie
>> -- is that I haven't got the vaguest understanding of what I just read. The
>> field part I think I get, but how would I use the first character? I guess
>> I'm basically too stupid to get these kind of instructions -- maybe just one
>> example for the use of each option included in man pages would help?
> Here's a completely different approach.  I ran into this exact problem
> often enough that I wrote a small Perl script to handle it:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use File::Find ();
> # for the convenience of &wanted calls, including -eval statements:
> use vars qw/*name/;
> *name   = *File::Find::name;
> (@ARGV) or usage();
> my (%files, $tString, $reverse);
> $reverse = 1 if ($ARGV[1] =~ /r.*/);
> # Traverse desired filesystems
> File::Find::find(\&wanted, $ARGV[0]);
> # sort %files by mod. time, print.
> if ($ARGV[1] =~ /r.*/) {
>      foreach my $f (sort { $files{$b} <=> $files{$a} } keys %files) {
>          # chop off day of week
>          ($tString = scalar localtime($files{$f})) =~ s/\w* //;
>          print $tString, "\t",$f,"\n";
>      }
> } else {
>      foreach my $f (sort { $files{$a} <=> $files{$b} } keys %files) {
>          # chop off day of week
>          ($tString = scalar localtime($files{$f})) =~ s/\w* //;
>          print $tString, "\t",$f,"\n";
>      }
> }
> exit;
> sub wanted {
>      my (@fstat);
>      # put the filename and mod. time into %files
>      ((@fstat) = lstat($_)) && -f _ && ($files{$name} = $fstat[9]);
> }
> sub usage {
>      print "\n",
>      "Usage: $0 (directory) [reverse]\n",
>      "  examines all files in (directory) and all its subdirectories,\n",
>      "  sorts by date, and returns the sorted list, earliest first.\n",
>      "  If 'reverse' is specified, files are sorted earliest last.\n\n";
>      exit;
> }
> --
> David Fleck
> david.fleck at

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