Purpose of INDEX file

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-questions-local at be-well.ilk.org
Wed May 18 15:40:36 PDT 2005

Gerard Seibert <gerard-seibert at suscom.net> writes:

> I know that 'portupgrade' uses the INDEX file. What I am not sure of,
> is if I need the file if I am not using 'portupgrade'. I use
> 'portmanager' which claims it does not require the INDEX file. If I do
> not need it, then I assume it is safe to not bother building it or
> fetching one.
> Does the INDEX file serve any other purpose?

Several, none of them really critical.  pkg_which, "make search",
etc.  So I would recommend keeping one around, but not necessarily
worrying about keeping it completely up to date.

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