FreeBSD 5.3

Hervé Kergourlay herve.kergourlay at
Thu May 12 05:24:55 PDT 2005

Kris Kennaway a écrit :

>On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 09:33:03AM +0200, Herv? Kergourlay wrote:
>>we are porting our product on FreeBSD 5.3
>>it's a backup product which is still running on FreeBSD 4.0
>>here's a list of questions after checking the documentation
>>1) PAM
>>it's working, the only problem is with the null password users, the 
>>answer is allways NO. the nullok doesn't seem active
>>here is my PAM file
>>auth     required  /usr/lib/ nullok
>>account  required  /usr/lib/ nullok
>Which PAM file?  5.3 doesn't use a single /etc/pam.conf.
it's our pam file in /etc/pam.d directory
with the name registered in the pam_start first parameter

>>5) where are generated the core files ?
>>I change the kernel with the following command
>>sysctl kern.corefile="/cores/%U/%P%N.core"
>Make sure those directories exist and are writable by the user.  They
>won't be created automatically.
checked, I force the 777 mode on the /cores directory

>>6) 2 last questions :-)
>>what about files more than 4GB, do I need to use specific APIs as 
>>open64, stat64 or the current open and stat API are managing the big file ?
so big file are managed without any pain. correct ?


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