Anthony's drive issues.Re: ssh password delay
Bart Silverstrim
bsilver at
Tue Mar 29 12:56:39 PST 2005
On Mar 29, 2005, at 1:50 PM, Anthony Atkielski wrote:
> Chris writes:
>> No - NOT the PC - the hardware that's in question. The Adaptec WITH
>> the
>> modified code. I'm willing to bet, it's not.
> Should I check for restrictions on chipset temperature, relative
> humidity, and atmospheric pressure as well?
Are you really this obtuse or do you just play you are on the Internet?
>> Again - I doubt that that perticulare Adaptec WITH the modifide code
>> is
>> listed. Now I'll bet an untouched Adaptec is.
> Nothing on the list says either way.
I'm sure they're going to list every permutation of code.
If it doesn't say, the list is referring to the generic
off-the-f'ing-shelf version.
The firmware you have ISN'T. You bloody POSTED that in the version
>> No - not worthless - NOT SUPPORTED. Just like the HCL that MS puts
>> out.
> There are lots of configurations unsupported by Microsoft that will
> still run Windows without problems.
Very good. And if you take one of them whining about a problem, they
point at the list and say, "Tough Sh*t."
If it works, great. If it doesn't, oh well. It wasn't previously
tested and the programmers aren't going to test on every bit of
hardware in existence. I mean, DUH.
>> Another thing to understand, most of the HP added code is related to
>> SNMP. That's what HP/Compaq does. Now, you also need to realize that
>> the
>> drivers under NT talk to HAL (Hardware Abstration Layer) which
>> happenes
>> to be far more forgiving of altered code then something under Unix
>> where
>> the driver talks directly to the hardware.
> Are you saying that Windows NT has a superior design?
Yes, that's exactly what he's saying when properly twisted. If
"superior design" consists solely of ignoring problems or ignoring
glitches in hardware, then you have a real gem. You should go out and
reinstall Windows on that server and leave this list in peace.
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