Anthony's drive issues.Re: ssh password delay

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Tue Mar 29 07:02:34 PST 2005

On Mar 29, 2005, at 9:28 AM, Anthony Atkielski wrote:

> Chris writes:
>> I disagree - If FBSD does not (or did not) know of the HP/Compaq 
>> tweakes
>> in the microcode, how can you claim it's broken?
> Because it works with Windows NT.

If a machine with a gig of memory runs fine under DOS but actually has 
a bad big of memory hardware near the 512 meg address range, it would 
probably still run "flawlessly" for a very very long time...

>> If MS does not support or have a driver for so-and-so app or hardware,
>> does it also mean Windows is broken?
> No, but if the base code in the OS fails to handle the hardware
> properly, Windows is broken.

But if you swap the hardware with a replacement and it works, how do 
you explain Windows being broken when that would suggest it was the 
hardware that was broken?

>  As for drivers, it depends on the
> hardware.  Nobody has demonstrated to me that the hardware on this
> machine is so exotic that it cannot be supported with standard drivers
> thus far.

You never put it on another identical Vectra to prove it was 

>  And the copy of Windows I ran came right off the shelf; it
> was not a "tweaked" version from HP (such a version came preinstalled,
> but the first thing I did with the hardware was wipe the hard disk).

The problem being asserted is that the hardware was tweaked.  The 
firmware microcode.

>> According to you, it is. According to the vast majority, it's not
>> broken, it's merely unsupported.
> Same thing.

Really?  Windows XP must be broken.  I can't install it on my Mac.

>> You could say the same about your hardware based on what you just 
>> said,
>> if FBSD does not have the teaks to the driver version you need, then 
>> (as
>> you think) your hardware is broken.
> Yes ... except that it worked with Windows NT.

Fine.  FreeBSD is broken.  Reinstall Windows and stop complaining.

>> Read above to if MS don't support or have a driver for x, y, and z -
>> then as you say, Windows is broken.
> Yes.  But offhand I don't recall anything for which I was unable to
> obtain a Windows driver.

Because Windows is far superior in every way shape and form.  You 
should reinstall it and leave this list.

PS-if you can still get a driver for the timex Ironman triathlon watch, 
care to share the link?  I can't seem to find it anymore for the 
Windows 2000 system to work without some IR interface...I wanted to use 
the screen to update it still...or is Windows broken because I can't 
use it anymore?

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