RPC: Timed out

Alan Curtis acurtis at ieee.org
Mon Mar 28 17:53:18 PST 2005

I am trying to find out why I can mount my FreeBSD disk as an NFS share 
on one of my Macs but not the other.

When I ran

$ showmount -e

on my FreeBSD machine, I got the expected response

Exports list on localhost:

which includes both the Macs. But when I ran it on my Mac

$ showmount -e

I got this error

RPC: Timed out: Can't do Exports rpc

so I went back to the FreeBSD machine and tried again

$ showmount -e localhost

and now get the same error (almost)

RPC: Timed out
showmount: can't do exports rpc

Any ideas what is wrong?


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