cdrom trouble with wine

jason henson jason at
Sun Mar 27 15:45:20 PST 2005

I have got to a point where I need some help.  I have got starcraft tot 
install, broodwar to install, and update it.  I can run programs from cd 
in with, like setup.exe, but starcraft still can't read a file on the 
cd.  I have mounted the cd in my home dir, created the right wine config 
file, and even used dd to make an iso that I mounted and it still didn't 
work.  I don't think this game even uses any secure rom because a simple 
disc copy on to a cdr works fine in windows.  Anyone had a problem like 

$ wine starcraft.exe
fixme:file:get_default_drive_device auto detection of DOS devices not 
supported on this platform
fixme:ntdll:NtQueryVolumeInformationFile device info not properly 
supported on this platform
err:heap:HEAP_CreateSystemHeap system heap base address 0x80000000 not 


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