how to auto connect to freebsd

Kevin Kinsey kdk at
Fri Mar 25 21:01:50 PST 2005

David Banning wrote:

>My win boxes are using freebsd as a gateway to the internet
>through a hub. I have to set the ip address for each machine
>and setup the gateway address in each winbox.
>They do not find the gateway address automatically.
>I have been doing it this way for years. I am just wondering if it is
>possible to have the win boxes auto detect the gateway address and
>agree with freebsd what each win IP address will be automatically
>as is done with a router-switch.

It is most certainly possible.

See the Handbook chapter on "Network Servers", the subtopic
entitled "Automatic Network Configuration. (DHCP)"  In my doc
build it's Chapter 25.3 --- but I noticed yesterday that my handbook
seems to be slightly out of sync, so I'd check the version on the web
site first.


Kevin Kinsey

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