sFTP nologin

Jeff Wirth jeff.wirth at gmail.com
Fri Mar 25 14:07:55 PST 2005

> Yes, been trying that all morning. sbin/nologin kills the connection after
> it prints the message.
> i have been tring scponly it has been less that workable so far too.

'nologin' will work for 'ftp' and things that don't require a password
( i.e. `sudo -u user -s`)

'scponly' is the correct solution for limiting users to scp or sftp. 
I use it extensively in production for setting up secure, automated
file transfers (w/ key auth).

Once 'scponly' is installed, it should be a simple matter of adding
'scponly' to /etc/shells and configuring your user's shell

- jw

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