i need a file manager!

Giorgos Keramidas keramida at ceid.upatras.gr
Thu Mar 24 07:28:17 PST 2005

On 2005-03-24 16:04, Gert Cuykens <gert.cuykens at gmail.com> wrote:
> Which buttons do you have to puch to do "M-!" in mc ?

``M-'' when used as a prefix means <Meta>.  It's the notation used in
Emacs manuals.  Some keyboards have special keys labeled "Meta", but if
yours doesn't you can just hit <Escape> for ``M-''.

Thus, ``M-!'' means hit <Escape> once and then `!'.

I also believe that mc has a nice manual, accessible by hitting F1.
You have been posting many questions that have their answers in there.

Please, read it :-)

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