cvsup core dumps

Greg McClure gmcclure at
Tue Mar 22 21:24:10 PST 2005

Thanks in advance to anyone who can let me know what's going on.

I'm running FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE.

Whenever I give the cvsup command to update my ports lately I get this error:

Connected to
Fatal error '_longjmp()ing between thread contexts is undefined by
POSIX 1003.1' at line ? in file
/usr/src/lib/libc_r/uthread/uthread_jmp.c (errno = ?)
Abort trap (core dumped)

It's a new problem, and I suppose it's possible that it's related to
some other library upgrade I did recently, although I'm not sure what
that would be specifically since I don't run cvsup too often, only
once per month or so.

Any insights would be appreciated.


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