Updating FreeBSD

Andreas Davour ante at Update.UU.SE
Mon Mar 21 01:13:12 PST 2005

On Mon, 21 Mar 2005, Christopher San Diego wrote:

> I'm a confused newbie whose been (re)installing FreeBSD 5.3 Release
> for the past week or two.
> I've read the handbook and various other documents concerning updating
> FreeBSD only to learn that -STABLE and -CURRENT are both development
> branches.

Take a look at what RELENG_5 and RELENG_5_3 means. That might make it 
clearer for you what release you want to track. RELENG_5 gets you a 
stable system with developments (5.4), RELENG_5_3 will get you a stable 
system with important fixes (5.3) last time I looked.

CURRENT is some version of 6.0 or other. The difference in a major 
release number might give you an idea of which you'd like to follow.

I never understood those CURRENT, STABLE or WHATEVER either. But, learn 
about what RELENG you'll need and I think you'll be fine. There are a 
lot of good webpages out there, and some official documentation on what 
the different branches means.


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