Doug Richardson is (probably) back online

Ben Goren ben at
Sun Mar 20 21:39:26 PST 2005


I just sent a note to Mr. Richardson <doug_richardson at> and 
it doesn't seem to have bounced.

First, if anybody really did mailbomb him (as the Anonymous Coward at claims on the OpenBSD Journal), please do us all a favor 
and turn yourself in to the FBI.

To the rest, I would encourage that you re-send notes that bounced. 
However, Mr. Richardson has expressed concern over the volume of email 
he's been receiving. I'd like to point out that clear and concise beats 
overly excessively verbose and befuddled lack of objectifying mumble.

Don't think that you should silence yourselves, but do brush up on your 
Strunk ( It'll make your writing more 
effective and perhaps make Mr. Richardson's job easier.


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