MS Exchange server on FreeBSD?
Nick Pavlica
linicks at
Sat Mar 19 15:56:34 PST 2005
I referenced the Novell GroupWise product. I'm not sure what you
were referencing with the generic "Groupware" that you mentioned.
It's clear that you have little knowledge of this technology and may
want to spend some time learning about it before making blanket
statements about it. My biggest concern is that you don't miss lead
someone else on this list. GroupWise is superior to Exchange in
almost every aspect. You would only know this if you had to mange
both of these tools in the real world. As a straight mail
server/"messaging server" Exchange in any version doesn't hold a
candle to the available *nix bases solutions. Exchange has it's place
with out a doubt, but please don't try to wave the Exchange flag to
someone that knows better.
On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 09:09:42 +0100, Anthony Atkielski
<atkielski.anthony at> wrote:
> Nick Pavlica writes:
> > I have had excellent results with Novell GroupWise.
> Groupware is fine if you need other functions more than e-mail, but for
> an organization interested primarily or exclusively in messaging,
> Exchange is the best choice.
> For example, Lotus Notes (like Groupwise, IIRC) is primarily a data
> manager with a few messaging functions. Exchange is a messaging system
> with a few data-management functions. Most organizations need e-mail
> more than anything else (even though many manage to delude themselves
> into believing otherwise), which is why Exchange is often a good choice.
> --
> Anthony
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