Stupid ASCII loader prompt

Kirk Strauser kirk at
Thu Mar 17 11:40:19 PST 2005

On Thursday 17 March 2005 11:04, Thompson, Jimi wrote:

> Frankly, I find that most religious people are all about removing
> religious references [...]

<baptist class="southern"><politics wing="right">
No.  Some people are going to be a pain in the butt regardless, and they 
attempt to use their beliefs (or lack of beliefs) as a tool to bully 
others.  The rest of us hate that our religion is drawn through the mud by 
loudmouths who claim to speak for us.

I'm about as conservative as you can get, but I have a Beastie logo on my 
server (next to the EFF sticker).  Can we drop this now?

Kirk Strauser
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