Stupid ASCII loader prompt

cpghost at cpghost at
Thu Mar 17 09:42:54 PST 2005

On Thu, Mar 17, 2005 at 08:27:54AM -0800, Michael C. Shultz wrote:
> If you toss beastie probably should change to change chmod 666 because 
> that number offends some people.  While your at it please remove 
> gnome-sword, it likely offends some non Christians to have bible study 
> software in ports. After all in Saudi Arabia the cross is illegal, no 
> need to risk offending.   What about the hewbrew fonts? Do they also 
> piss off Arabs? Toss those just in case.  Now the Arabic fonts need 
> tossing tool,  just to be fair.

While we're at it (even if it is OT for this thread), there's no
arabtex port in the tree right now. arabtex can generate hebrew
and arabic script via TeX. I'm quite curious why there's no port
for it. Perhaps because of the teTeX 3 transition?


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