FTP server on 5.3

Joshua Lewis jmlewis at dslextreme.com
Wed Mar 16 12:56:14 PST 2005

I was trying to setup an FTP server last night on my 5.3 box. I was using
the handbook and was instructed to make a new user ftp. So that worked
fine and I was able to upload to ftp's home dirrectory but wanted to know
if I can safley delete the .* files in his home dirrectory.

I was also curious, if I change the permissions on /home/ftp to 755 then
people will be able to read but not write to the dirrectory (do they need
x permission to download a file?). But how do I make it so everyone can
read but only certain users can write. My goal would to not use local
accounts but pull usernames and passwords from a MySQL database. I would
rather not transfer the username and password in clear text.

Any thoughts or how toos I can follow?

Thank you,
Joshua Lewis

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