dual-head fbsd

Xian ian at codepad.net
Thu Mar 10 16:13:13 PST 2005

On Thursday 10 March 2005 01:46, Luciano Musacchio wrote:
> How can I make a dual head system? I mean, independent
> mouse/keyboard/monitor access to the tty's. Using usb hubs, how much can
> this be extended? How many terminals we can get from one cpu?
> thanks

If your using X it might be easier to get old PCs and use them as the 
terminals. They don't have to be fast, only the computer dealing with the X 
clients needs to be reasonable.

As for CPU usage, general console usage needs hardly any CPU. I would think if 
your not using X you would be limited by how many keyboard/monitors... you 
could connect not CPU.


"To belittle is to be little"
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