chroot jail and syslogd

comm comm at
Thu Mar 10 13:41:26 PST 2005



I'm trying to setup bind in a chroot jail, and have it log to syslogd.


I'm using fbsd5.3 and the syslogd option:


root   22858  0.0  0.1  1312  780  ??  Ss   12:19AM   0:00.16
/usr/sbin/syslogd -l /var/run/log -l /var/named/var/run/log -


I have bind running with the following options:


/usr/sbin/named -c /etc/namedb/named.conf -u bind -t /var/named


The jail is located in /var/namedb, and the socket for syslogd is


srw-rw-rw-  1 bind  bind  0 Mar 10 00:19 log


When I try to start bind I receive the following:


Mar 10 00:20:38 taco named[22919]: starting BIND 9.3.0 -c
/etc/namedb/named.conf -u bind -t /var/named

Mar 10 00:20:38 taco named[22919]: command channel listening on

Mar 10 00:20:38 taco named[22919]:
: unexpected error:

Mar 10 00:20:38 taco kernel: pid 22919 (named), uid 53: exited on signal 6

Mar 10 00:20:38 taco named[22919]: unable to convert errno to isc_result:
45: Operation not supported

Mar 10 00:20:38 taco named[22919]: logging channel 'audit_log' file
'/var/run/log': unexpected error


Bind's config:


      channel audit_log {

            // Send the security related messages to a separate file.

            file "/var/run/log";

            severity debug;

            print-time yes;



Running BIND 9.3.0


Anyone have any ideas why this aint working? Tried to dig up some
information on google but no luck



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