vt220 and wrong pgup, pgdn, home and end keys

Jeremy C. Reed reed at reedmedia.net
Mon Mar 7 19:31:09 PST 2005

Please cc me on replies.

My /etc/ttys uses vt220 for one of my consoles. (Because I am logging into
a host that doesn't know cons25.)

I see that PgUp sends ESC [ I
instead of ESC [ 5 ~

Also, page down sends ^[[G, home sends ^[[H and end is

TERM is vt220 (as set by getty).

I didn't modify keys with kbdcontrol (or anything else).

Also some of the screen redrawing is not done correctly when I am in pine.

What is the correct way to make a virtual console provide vt220 and
correct key codes sent?

Does anyone use /etc/ttys to define vt220? How does it work for you? (I
haev had problems with this for years with various releases.)

Please cc me on replies. Thank you

 Jeremy C. Reed


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