Cannot print

Roland Smith rsmith at
Sat Mar 5 07:13:58 PST 2005

On Sat, Mar 05, 2005 at 03:40:11PM +0100, v.demartino2 at wrote:
> I've just installed apsfilter on the latest FreeBSD 5.3 to print with my
> epson stylus color 640 (driver eps640lp.upp) following both the handbook
> chapter on printing & an artcle in
> But:
> 1) If I - running apsfilter SETUP - use the 'T'(est) option, the PC tiringly,
> after un unbearable  couple of minutes or so, starts printing  a first row
> of squares of the test picture only, then seems to hang, emitting from time
> to time a (useless) sound. At this point it's better to stop CTRL+Del.

Is your printer connected via the parallel port? If so, and there is a
line reading "Interrupt storm detected on "irq7: lpt0"; throttling
interrupt source", add the following to /boot/device.hints:

# For the parallel port. Set ECP mode, disable interrupt. See ppc(4).
# ECP mode is bit 3 (0x08), disabling IRQ is bit 5 (0x20).
# By disabling the IRQ I put the port "polling mode".

The lines starting with '#' are comments, you can omit these if you
want. After you have added this line, reboot and try again.

> 2) If I try to print via lpr -Plp plaintestfile the log under /var/spool/lpd/lp
> says
> "/usr/local/etc/apsfilter/basedir/bin/apsfilter: cannot open /var/spool/lpd/lp/lock:
> Permission denied"

This means apsfilter does not have access rights to that file.

> and doesn't print anything.

Try printing a file from your own home directory.

R.F. Smith                           /"\    ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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