Where do the linker look for shared libraries?

Andreas Davour ante at Update.UU.SE
Wed Mar 2 10:30:05 PST 2005


I've tried to compile and link a small game written with the Allegro 
API. For some odd reason the linker just don't understand how to resolve 
the symbols in the library. It just can't accept that the library is in 
a ".so" file and not an ".a" archive, and even when I point it out 
explicitly it still don't get it.

This is my commandline:

gcc main.o rotoAction.o rotoCog.o -o RotoCube.exe -lstdc++ 
-L/usr/local/lib/ -lalleg

and the errors I get looks like this:

/usr/local/lib//liballeg.so: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/lib//liballeg.so: undefined reference to 

Which is kind of odd since before I added the -L flag it complained 
about the .a file being missing. Now it's not being used.

How do ld decide where to look for libraries? Is there a way to teach it 
systemwide not to search for ar archived, and in fact use the .so files?

And why on earth is the linker complaining about undefined references 
now that it is actually looking at the right shared library file?


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