arplookup failed: host is not on local network

Mark Edwards mark at
Tue Mar 1 10:31:55 GMT 2005

I've just put my server on a new connection that requires DHCP, even 
for a fixed IP.  Anyway, the DHCP server gives a fixed public internet 
IP to my server, but it communicates on, which angers 
FreeBSD (4.11).  I get a lot of the following:

arplookup failed: host is not on local network

Which makes sense, because as far as FreeBSD is concerned, interface 
ep1 is on the internet not on a LAN.

Looking on the net, I found the following suggestion, which does cure 
the errors:

/sbin/route add -net -netmask -interface 1

My question is, is that the proper way to deal with this?  I have to 
issue this statement whenever the dhclient is restarted.  I've 
currently placed it in my firewall script, but is there a proper or 
more elegant way to achieve this?


Mark Edwards
mark at

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