Bootable CD with virus checking for NTFS

Tony Shadwick tshadwick at
Wed Jun 8 15:49:14 GMT 2005

On Wed, 8 Jun 2005, Brent Wiese wrote:

> I've been searching around for a bootable CD that can virus fix NTFS
> partitions. Obviously that means it needs to be able to mount NTFS
> partitions as RW.
> I've found several CD's based on Linux that will check in RO mode, but none
> that will (safely anyways) in RW.
> Pipe dream?
> Heck, doesn't even need to be free as long as the cost is reasonable.
> Just so extra emails aren't generated, I've tried:
> Helix
> Ultimate Boot CD (this one claims NTFS RW, but when I boot, it appears to be
> RO... Haven't actually tried using on an infected system yet)
> Auditor
> Whoppix

Just so you know, I'm pretty sure all of the LiveCD's go RO by default, 
even if the kernel is compiled to allow RW.  That's just a safety 
precaution against users that don't know the limits and dangers of writing 
to an NTFS volume.  You can still pop open a terminal and re-mount it RW 
by hand, although I would suggest running clam (that's what you're using, 
right?), and if you FIND a virus, mount it RW and either remove it by hand 
or run clam again again allow clam to clean up the mess then.

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