SOLVED: scanimage -L doesn't work as normal user

Erik Nørgaard norgaard at
Sat Jul 30 17:54:44 GMT 2005


OK, I have solved the problem, as was originally assumed it boils
down to getting the permissions right.

To make Epson 2480 work, there is no need to patch the uscanner.c
or usbdevs files and rebuild that module. I did make that work
though - sort of, now, sane-find-scanner finds an unidentified
device on uscanner0, but scanimage correctly idenfies the scanner.

This is what to do: In /usr/src/sys/dev/usb edit the files usbdevs
and uscanner.c, in usbdevs add a line:

  product EPSON 2480              0x0121  Perfection 2480 scanner

and in uscanner.c add the line


after the last EPSON scanner.

I don't know if there is any benefit from using the uscanner
device other than the ability to set permissions for the scanner

Here's the trick:

Create a file /etc/devfs.rules with the following:

  # Allow any user to access usb devices: uscanner and ugen
  add path 'usb0'      mode 0666
  add path 'usb1'      mode 0666
  add path 'ugen*'     mode 0666
  add path 'uscanner*' mode 0666

The last line can be omitted if you don't use the uscanner device.
I think it is better to let "others" access rw the scanner device
than to add users to the operator group.

Alternatively, one can create a separate group eg "scanner", then
append "group scanner" to each rule - this might be the best
instead of giving rw access to arbitrary ugen devices.

In /etc/rc.conf add the line:


Then restart devfs. You can unplug and plugin the scanner as
much as you like.

Cheers, Erik

pub  1024D/11D11F9E 2003-08-15 Erik Norgaard <norgaard at>
     Key fingerprint = C394 81C4 D137 EEE5 39BE  82D5 3E6B FB3E 11D1 1F9E

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