Getting session details from a dump tape

Ian Moore ian.moore at
Fri Jul 29 02:24:49 GMT 2005

I've done a level 0 dump of a server which is spanned over several 
tapes. Somehow, when I was labelling the tapes, I did something wrong 
and have an extra tape in there. I'm wondering if there is some way to 
find out what is on the tapes? I know I could do an ls to look at the 
files, but that won't really tell me what dump level it was and when it 
was dumped.

Things I've tried:
1. On the first tape, I can just run
#restore -i
and that gives me the info I need for that tape, however, when I do the 
same for the next tape, it just says it's not the first tape of the set.

2. Try to read from /dev/sa0 directly:
#head /dev/sa0

That didn't give any output, except in the log file, where is says:
10240-byte tape record bigger than supplied buffer.


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