Linux move to FreeBSD

David Gerard fun at
Wed Jul 6 11:50:02 GMT 2005

sparxz at (sparxz at [050703 23:08]:

> FreeBSD looks like a good stating place for me,
> but one think about FreeBSD makes me uncomfortable
> is the symbol/emblem that the OS uses. That is a "devil" !
> I would like to know if possible how this came about,
> and what thinking was behind it. From experience, I consider
> symbols to be very significant, Historically, psychologically
> and even spiritually.

I use FreeBSD because in my religion, Scientology, penguins were considered
the avatars of the Galactic Emperor Xenu when he brought the Galactic
Citizens down to Earth and exploded them around volcanoes. This is why
Linux is so annoying to administer - the kernel is covered in what Ayn Rand
(founder of Scientology) termed "penguin thetans", commonly abbreviated

Penguin thetans are commonly found under bridges and have a long-standing
grudge against gruff billygoats.

I hope this helps in the application of comparative religion to operating
system mascots.

- d.

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