Getting phpMyAdmin to run

Ryan Rempel rgrempel at
Fri Jul 1 05:22:18 GMT 2005

On 6/30/05, Gerard Seibert <gerard-seibert at> wrote:
> I am unable to get phpMyAdmin to run. I have these entries in the httpd.conf file.
> <Directory "/usr/local/www/data/beerstud/htdocs">
> Alias /phpmyadmin/ "/usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin/"
> #<Directory '/usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin/'>
> #   AllowOverride None
> #   Order allow,deny
> #   Allow from all
> #</Directory>
> I have the directory entries commented out now, but I have tried them uncommented, and it made no difference.
> This is from the apache error log.
> [client] File does not exist: /usr/local/www/data/beerstud/htdocs/phpMyAdmin
> I receive a 404 error when I try to run command from a browser.
> I thought that the use of alias would  make apache look in the correct directory for the index.php file. What am I doing incorrectly here?

It looks as though you have the Alias directive nested inside the
<Directory "/usr/local/www/data/beerstud/htdocs> directive, which
can't really be what you want (the Alias would only apply within the
that directory, but of course it would never have any occasion to
apply there).

I think you probably need to move the phpMyAdmin-related directives
outside of the <Directory "/usr/local/www/data/beerstud/htdocs">

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